9 Reasons Why Candidates Hire Recruiters

9 Reasons Why Candidates Hire Recruiters

9 Reasons Why Candidates Hire Recruiters

When was the last time you replaced something, anything such as a wallet, mobile, microwave, etc.? Chances are, you replaced it because of a reason. For example, maybe you were bored of using the same mobile, it’s broken, you wanted to upgrade, etc. In short, you fired the old product or service to get a new one.

You will only hire something when you are ready to fire something. Candidates are looking for a new job when they are prepared to fire their current role, employer, compensation, colleagues, etc. and many reasons unknown to us.

Based on the “Jobs to be done” theory defined by Clayton Christensen, his theory can be applied to almost everything.

When candidates think about switching jobs, they think about who I can hire to help me hire a new employer. The reasons change depending on the economic scenario; their reasons for hiring a recruiter in a downturn will be different from the reasons during a boom.

What jobs do the candidates want the recruiters to help fulfil?

Some of the many reason’s candidates hire recruiters are:

  1. Find better opportunities.
  • As we all know, the most fundamental reason is candidates hire recruiters to help them find a new job. What the candidate expect in return as a service from the recruiters is that the
  • Recruiters understand their profile and requirements.
  • Keep them posted on the developments with the jobs they have been put forward for
  • Return their calls with updates.
  • Give feedback.
  • Prepare them for the interviews.
  • Help with regards to the client (company) and interviewee background.
  1. Explore jobs that are not advertised.

Given that recruiters work with clients on an ongoing basis and have a rapport with the lined managers, hiring managers and the decision-makers, they also have intel about the unadvertised jobs.

Hence, candidates see this as an advantage. Therefore opt to work with recruiters to get access to these jobs and be ahead of the competition.

  1. Find opportunities quickly. 

Time is money for everyone, be it a candidate or a recruiter. Candidates work with recruiters to get access to a pool of jobs, and recruiters can help them reduce their time to search for new jobs by putting them forward across various clients.

They are ideally saving the candidate time to scout for new opportunities.

  1. Save time.

Saving time is also one of the factors candidates hire the recruiters for, especially in a buyout market where candidates have multiple options to choose from.

They hire recruiters to evaluate opportunities and only present the ones that best fit their requirements.

  1. Help prepare for the job roles/interview prep. 

Successful recruiters help their candidates prepare for interviews. Several candidates that work with recruiters look up to the recruiters for help with the interview process. For example, focusing not just on dress well, comb your hair, etc. but supporting the interviewers’ profile, i.e. their approach towards people, are they cut to the point, great listener, etc.

Getting to know minor details about the client’s approach is one of the factors candidates also hire recruiters or expect the recruiters to share as a part of their recruiting job.

  1. Find companies that are a culture fit, not just matching the pay.

Assuming that the candidates only look for better pay is a fallacy. Candidates hire recruiters to find employers that also match their requirements, such as culture fit. E.g., Some candidates want to work in a relaxed environment against fast-paced, aggressive etc.

Whereas some might have an opposite need of working in a culture that is process-driven, structured, etc.

  1. Market value.

A blind spot for recruiters and often a nightmare situation to deal with when candidates are taken through the entire interview process, offered and ghost/back-out.

Candidates do hire recruiters to know what their current market value is. The reasons can be multiple, ranging from boosting their ego to getting a pay rise with their current employer, anchoring for another candidate, etc.

  1. Skill utilisation.

They are finding jobs that can utilise other skills of candidates. E.g., If a candidate is a full-stack developer, the position is open for a backend or a front-end developer.

So, they should be paid for their skills and not jobs related to the job role. They need an opportunity to capitalise on existing skills on other projects in the company.

  1. Be their champion. 

Candidates expect Recruiters to champion them with their clients.

Confidently selling their profiles to potential employers and representing them by being their champion. Championing their skills, attitude, and potential.

There are many factors beyond the ones mentioned above that influence candidates’ decisions on hiring a recruiter. The reasons highly depend on the candidates personal and professional situation.

It also depends on the type of jobs they are looking for, i.e., temporary, contract, permanent.

In conclusion, recruiters must find out what job has the candidate hired them to do against believing a simple objective of “just finding a job”.

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